Weekly Clarifying Wisdom: What do You do When You are Confused, not Confident about Life?
Feb 21, 2024Wisdom Scripture
Isaiah 28:29, "All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent."
Wisdom Quote
"Wisdom in the Jewish conception comes from God and hence focuses on the capacity for moral discernment issuing in wise choices: 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and there is good understanding to all who practice it. And piety toward God is the beginning of discernment, but the impious regard wisdom and instruction as worthless' (lxx Prov 1:7)." [1]
In Habakkuk, we discover complaints transformed into confidence. Mature faith humbly trusts in God, whom we can never fully understand. In the face of evil and injustice, we wait and trust in the wrathful and merciful Lord God, who judges evil and will fill the earth with his glory.
Our encounter with God in Habakkuk can turn our doubts into devotion and melt our confusion into confidence. The book begins with an interrogation of God and ends with praise of God. Worry is transformed into worship. Fear turns to faith. Terror becomes trust. Anguish melts into adoration.
Habakkuk is an excellent book for all of us living during the in-between time between Christ's cross and his return. In this confusing time where evil still runs rampant and terrible suffering happens to good people we love, we can look to God for hope. It's OK to ask God hard questions along with Habakkuk as we grope through pain to understand what is happening in the world. But be prepared; the light of insight is blinding as God supersedes our highest thoughts and refuses to be kept in our neat theological boxes.
Habakkuk's message challenges us to repent, given God's judgment consoles us with his promise of salvation. The entire book of Habakkuk is only 56 verses, so I encourage you to read it several times. Pray for God to show you more of himself in the prophet Habakkuk.
In the opening, Habakkuk asked two big questions out of personal agony, followed by God's astounding answer.
His first question cried out, "How long?!" The Hebrew word for "cry" means "to shout" or "to roar." Habakkuk was upset. His second was, "Why?!" Sometimes, we hesitate to get mad at God, but God never condemns his children who call out to him in confusion. What questions do you have for God?
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