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Liderando una Iglesia en un Tiempo de Cuestionamiento Sexual
In a time when sexual norms are changing rapidly, how can a local church be a place of grace - a loving community for all kinds of people - where everyone can flourish and disagreements are overcome in a Christlike spirit while at the same time staying true to biblical standards?
Las 7 Grandes Preguntas
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado, "¿Por qué la vida es difícil?" "¿Por qué hay sufrimiento?" o "¿Cuál es mi propósito en la vida?" No importa tu origen religioso, todos tenemos preguntas sobre Dios, nuestro propósito y por qué suceden cosas malas.

Aunque son muchos los que han considerado que es necesario anclar la formación de los futuros líderes de la iglesia en la propia iglesia, nadie que yo conozca se ha dedicado tanto a hallar un modelo realizable como Forman, Miller y Jones.

Tu Vida en Ritmo
demasiado ocupado? ¿Cansado? ¿Ansioso? ¿Agotado?
¿Se siente agobiado por todo lo que tiene que hacer?
Bruce is a wise pastor, consultant, and author.
His consulting, courses, and books result from his passion for helping people grow, developing leaders, and empowering churches.
He consults and creates resources to foster personal growth and provides fresh insights into how we can live more productive, joy-filled lives that make a difference for eternity.
FREE 30-MINUTE SESSION"Our Elders read and discussed your book, “Leading a Church in a Time of Sexual Questioning,” which we found to be very helpful. Additionally, we are currently in a sermons series we are basing on your book, “When God Makes No Sense” and Habakkuk, and we are finding the book to be a great resource. "
David Ashcraft, LCBC Pennsylvania
"We recently hosted a conference in our church to address LGBTQ+ and gender confusion. Bruce was one of our keynote speakers. God used Bruce in a powerful way to show God's design in creation and how sin has distorted this for all of us. He then pointed to the New Testament truth that sex is not required for happiness and has been surpassed through our relationship with Jesus."
Sam Holm, Lead Pastor of First McKinney
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